I wonder how things might
have turned out differently if Dr. Pfenning had decided that day not to
spring for the car, but to go home, think about it some more and talk with his
wife about the idea. What if, when Ernie reached the house, his wife reported
to him that the kids needed braces and that he should hold off on spending
money for a while. Well, okay, since Ernie was a dentist, maybe it wouldn’t
have been braces. Maybe his wife’s mother was soon to move in with the family
and they would need to spend money remodeling the place. But, you get the idea.
What if, in the family council, Dr. and Mrs. Pfenning had decided that “the time
was not right” for investing their hard-earned money in some fantastic
contraption like an automobile? Not only would Ernest Pfenning have lost his “place”
in history and been forced to walk to his office, but it is at least possible
that there would have been no more Ford Motor Company!
My point in all of this is
that we often do not know how significant our “individual” decisions may be for
ourselves and for others, in the “long run.” Neither do we know how close to
the edge other individuals or companies may be at any given moment in time.
While some think sociologists somewhat naïve by their basic notion of the
“social contract,” the truth is that every one of us is intricately
interrelated to many others persons and our ultimate fate and fortunes are tied
together in powerful and unacknowledged ways.
This topic interests me,
especially at the moment, since I live in Athens, Greece, where the economic
stability which one often takes for granted is routinely up for grabs, what
with the economic crisis, Greece’s dysfunctional way of doing things, the visit
of “The Troika,” talk of Greece’s return to the drachma and other items of
concern. It helps me to understand why my landlord recently agreed to lower my
rent, in deference to these perilous times. Now I understand why my barber has
lowered his price for a basic cut by 2 Euro.
The truth is, from time to
time, every culture and every person is somewhere perilously close to the end
of his/her resources, financial and otherwise. But, we rarely acknowledge it.
And the lives of every one of us are intricately related to those of others,
but our pride and stubborn and misplaced sense of independence often blinds us.